LTS - Attitudes of Leadership Discussion Switch account
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The greatest need of the church today is for leadership. Why is that above finances, programs and teaching? *
From the Teaching
The 3 foundational attitudes of effective leadership are, "Pursuit of God",  "Learners Attitude", and  "100% Commitment". Pick the one you think is most important and describe why.   *
From the Teaching
The 3 functional attitudes of effective leadership are, "Submission to Authority",  "Servants Heart", and  "Humility/dependence upon God". Pick the one you think is most important and describe why.   *
From the Teaching
As a leader, if you are unable to attend a meeting or function you should let your leader know right away. Why is that so important? *
From the teaching
Hendricks said: “A leader is one who knows where he's going and takes others with Him!”. What did he mean? *
From audio recordings
A leader is always a lover. Explain *
From audio recordings
We motivate people by soliciting specific commitment. We have to be clear in our ASK.  What can happen if we are not clear in our ASK? What is one way to help maintain clarity? *
From audio recordings
A successful leader is one who believes his message enough to give all - time, talent, money, and even his life. Will you strive to be a successful leader? How? *
From audio recordings
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